Dawn, Dusk, Graduation by Pixabay Ladies and gentlemen, it is that time of year! College graduation is just around the corner. December graduates are stuffing and mailing announcements as we speak, and I happen to be one of them. I graduate on December 9th and I just mailed my announcements last month. For my high school graduation, I just did the standard official graduation announcements from the school with added name cards and photos. I did buy pretty stamps for them, but overall they were pretty boring. This time around I did things differently. I spared no expense and no time. The tutorial below shows how to print on your announcement envelopes and return envelopes, properly stuff announcement envelopes, how to wax seal envelopes, and how to mail wax sealed envelopes. I hope you enjoy the tutorial and have fun making you own announcements one day: Supplies 5x7 Graduation Announcements A7 foil lined envelopes A1 foil lined envelopes Wax Seal Stamp Wax Seal Ki...