Does anyone have that one food that they grew up with that is still a favorite of theirs? Mine is my late grandmother's Southern Style Wontons. I say southern style because they are not the typical wontons that you would get at an Asian restaurant. They are simpler, easier, and little more "anything goes". My grandmother was a cook that never measured anything and threw everything and the kitchen sink into her food. I spent my childhood cooking with her and still think of her every time I make a meal. With no further introduction, here are my grandma's famous Southern Style Wontons: Ingredients Two crowns of broccoli One small head of cabbage One package of wonton wrappers Soy sauce One stick margarine or butter Garlic Powder Onion Powder Step One Wash broccoli. Trim excess stem from broccoli crowns and chop into individual miniature crowns. Step Two Place broccoli in water and boil on medium to high heat until te...